Who We Are
studio Gear Up is an Amsterdam based independent advisory firm, focused on generating impact, founded in 2015. We assist clients in determining their best next steps in the changing context. How to strengthen a strategic position and/or develop new propositions that generate impact, both economically as well as environmentally. studio Gear Up helps understanding the transition to an emerging biobased, circular and climate neutral economy. Collaborative exploration of knowledge and networks, executing analyses, building sets of different scenario to boost strategic considerations are examples of approaches taken.
studio Gear Up produces insights about policy and market developments for sustainable low carbon options. About e.g.:
- Strategic repositioning of company and business activity following a changing context
- GHG-saving and origins of biofuel feedstock
- How to build fair and sustainable supply chains
- Options for decarbonizing transport and mobility
Mission & Vision
studio Gear Up is identifying and creating the best options for climate neutral and circular systems, like creating alternatives for fossil fuels. studio Gear Up is committed to developing concepts for sustainable and transparent sourcing of biobased and circular resources.
The shift to a low-carbon economy will create new opportunities and markets for bio sourced materials and recycled products.
Tools & Services
- Strategic consultancy / advisory services
- Strategic analysis
- Policy analysis and insights
- Market analysis
- Competitor analysis: Benchmarking
- Gravity point analysis
- new entrants, new alternatives
- Non-market strategy
- Regulatory affairs
- Scenario analysis and execution
- Technology Analysis and Assessment
- Modelling
- LCA and Carbon Footprinting
- TCO Total Cost of Ownership modelling
- Process management / Project management
- Building partnerships and strategic alliances
- Concept development
- Creativity knowledge exploration and build up via interactive workshop settings
Our Clients
Below you will find a selection of clients (in alphabetical order) we provided strategic advisory services to in the past.
[Information of projects we executed can be found at the Projects-page]
- AVIA, the Netherlands
- Biondoil Netherlands B.V., the Netherlands
- BOVAG, the Netherlands
- CAPREA Sustainable Solutions, Belgium
- CRI – Carbon Recycling International, Iceland
- DBC – Dutch Blockchain Coalition, the Netherlands
- Den Hartog BV, the Netherlands
- EBB – European Biodiesel Board, Belgium
- EG Retail Netherlands B.V., the Netherlands
- ePURE – European renewable ethanol industry association, Belgium
- European Commission, DG Energy, Belgium
- European Commission, DG Move, Belgium
- EWABA – European Waste-based Advance Biofuels Association, Belgium
- Exergia, Greece
- FinCo Fuel Group B.V., the Netherlands
- FinCo Renewables B.V., the Netherlands
- FuelsEurope, Belgium
- GGL – Green Gold Label, the Netherlands
- Green Planet B.V., the Netherlands
- HAN University of Applied Science, The Netherlands
- IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Platform
- International Methanol Producer & Consumer Association (IMPCA), Belgium
- Innovation Quarter, Netherlands
- Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteit, The Netherlands
- Lanzatech, USA
- Methanol Institute, USA
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Netherlands
- MVaK – Mittelstandsverband abfallbasierte Kraftstoffe, Germany
- NOVE – Business association for independent fuel suppliers, the Netherlands
- Orange Green B.V., the Netherlands
- PDB – Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen, the Netherlands
- PHB – Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen, the Netherlands
- Pon Holdings, the Netherlands
- Provincie Noord-Holland, the Netherlands
- Refuel B.V., the Netherlands
- Rolande B.V., the Netherlands
- RVO – the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the Netherlands
- Scania Netherlands B.V, the Netherlands
- Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands
- Solidaridad, the Netherlands
- Sunchem B.V., the Netherlands
- Syclus B.V., the Netherlands
- Technopolis, the Netherlands
- TKI Energie en Industrie, Netherlands
- TKI-Gas, the Netherlands
- UPEI – the Voice of Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers, Belgium
- Van Kessel Olie B.V., the Netherlands
- VARO Energy Netherlands B.V., the Netherlands
- VDB – Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V., Germany
- VITO – Flemish Institute for Technology, Belgium
- Vollenhoven Olie, the Netherlands
- VTT, Finland
- Xodus Group, United Kingdom
- 24/7 Nature Power BV
Meet the team