Analysis of the passenger car market in some EU MSs

A presentation in FuelsEurope’s webinar on ‘Ensuring social inclusiveness”

Loes Knotter presented during FuelsEurope’s “#ReFuels Week” webinar series first results of an analysis on available budgets for purchase new (or second hand) cars of various household income groups in some EU Member States.

Her presentation is found here.

The video recording of this webinar on Ensuring social inclusiveness can be viewed here.

All video-recordings of the full series of “#ReFuels Week” webinars of FuelsEurope are found here.


Database Green Production Facilities

The studio Gear Up Green Production Facilities provides an overview of global production facilities for renewable fuels and energy carriers. The database aggregates data from multiple sources and can provide customer-specific overview and visuals of

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Carbon Footprint Analysis and Tool Development

Renewable fuels and materials do have a lower well-to-wheel/Wake/Wing / well-to-product carbon footprint. We can provide clear insight in the exact greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings per functional unit compared to the fossil references by

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