
Groeiende behoefte aan hernieuwbare waterstof voor luchtvaartbrandstoffen in Nederland

In opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat heeft studio Gear Up een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de waterstofbehoefte van de Nederlandse luchtvaartsector richting 2030 en 2050. Waterstof is nodig voor de productie van duurzame, biogene luchtvaartbrandstof (SAF) en e-SAF (op basis van waterstof, uit elektrolyse van hernieuwbare elektriciteit, en […]

Groeiende behoefte aan hernieuwbare waterstof voor luchtvaartbrandstoffen in Nederland Read More

Accelerating Energy Independence and Emission Reduction: the role of advanced biofuels in transport

a hybrid EurActiv event on 6 September 2022, Brussels/online Carlo Hamelinck of studio Gear Up will be one of the panelists at an Euroactive event that discusses the role of low-carbon liquid fuels and especially advanced biofuels in the energy transition in Europe. The panelists will reflect on the proposal

Accelerating Energy Independence and Emission Reduction: the role of advanced biofuels in transport Read More

Analysis of car sales in 2021 in the Netherlands: lower sales of ICEVS ánd BEVs

After years of growth of the annual new registrations of passengers cars, 2021 was characterized by a strong decrease of total registrations. For the first time the number of registered Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) was lower than the previous year, breaking with a trend of steep increases. 2021 saw a

Analysis of car sales in 2021 in the Netherlands: lower sales of ICEVS ánd BEVs Read More

Renewable energy in transport in NL more than doubled in ten years time, yet share fossil still above 90%

From 2011 to 2020 the share of renewable energy in the Dutch transport sector grew from 3,4% to 9,1%. This is a big achievement but yet the inconvenient reality is that still more than 90% of energy used in transport is still from fossil source (see Figure 1). In national

Renewable energy in transport in NL more than doubled in ten years time, yet share fossil still above 90% Read More

Factor renewable fuels in maritime sector

June 2021, Dutch Ministry Infrastructure and Water management wished to better understand what the effects would be of allowing only advanced biofuels to be registered for bunkers to maritime transport, and whether additional factors are needed to maintain the balance between bookings in road transport and the seagoing shipping sector.

Factor renewable fuels in maritime sector Read More

sGU-Rapport ‘Inzet van biobrandstoffen uit voedsel- en voedergewassen’

Een onderzoek van studio Gear Up in opdracht van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat n.a.v. de aangehouden Motie (35626-21) van Kamerlid De Hoop over een afbouwpad van biobrandstoffen uit voedsel- en voedergewassen. Het rapport is hier te downloaden. In de Kamerbrief van Staatssecretaris Van Weyenberg van 8 oktober waarin

sGU-Rapport ‘Inzet van biobrandstoffen uit voedsel- en voedergewassen’ Read More

Achieving a climate negative Netherlands in 2030

Dutch national newspaper De Volkskrant investigates how six extreme Missions for the Netherlands can be realized before 2030. This can be considered as a comment to the European Commission’s “Fit for 55” package to achieve 55% less climate impact in 2030 (published mid July). The ‘Missions’ the newspaper explore go

Achieving a climate negative Netherlands in 2030 Read More

Analysis of the passenger car market in some EU MSs

A presentation in FuelsEurope’s webinar on ‘Ensuring social inclusiveness” Loes Knotter presented during FuelsEurope’s “#ReFuels Week” webinar series first results of an analysis on available budgets for purchase new (or second hand) cars of various household income groups in some EU Member States. Her presentation is found here. The video

Analysis of the passenger car market in some EU MSs Read More

Analysis of car sales in 2020 in the Netherlands: sales of small and cheap cars are under pressure

In 2020, the sales of new battery-electric passenger vehicles hit another record with over 71 thousand cars registered (20% of total passenger car registrations). Total battery electric vehicle (BEV) registration was 14,5% higher than the 2019 BEV sales. Yet, this is not the only relevant trend. Due to the COVID-19

Analysis of car sales in 2020 in the Netherlands: sales of small and cheap cars are under pressure Read More

Transport fuels from plastic waste

Dutch national newspaper De Volkskrant published an article (by Bard van de Weijer) about transport fuels made from non-recyclable plastic waste. A good idea or not? Read the article (in Dutch) via this link.  Eric van den Heuvel, partner at studio Gear Up, was one of the interviewees. He argued for a change in perspective

Transport fuels from plastic waste Read More

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