Transport sector

Greenhouse gas abatement costs for passenger cars

For: ePURE – the European renewable ethanol association [January – May 2022] The European renewable ethanol association (ePURE) would like to understand the position of bio-ethanol compared to various renewable fuel and drivetrain options for climate action in the passenger car segment. This based on their greenhouse gas emission abatement […]

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The carbon footprint of methanol produced from various feedstocks

For: Methanol Institute [January – October 2021] Methanol is an important base chemical and, when produced from renewable sources, methanol is interesting as a low carbon alternative fuel for e.g. the shipping sector. To understand the carbon savings that can be achieved by renewable methanol, requires up-to-date information on the

The carbon footprint of methanol produced from various feedstocks Read More

Low-carbon mobility with renewable fuels

For: FuelsEurope [April – October 2021] Downloads: The Full Report “Low-carbon mobility with renewable fuels“. The Annex Report: “Total Cost of Ownership analysis in 16 European Member States“. FuelsEurope has asked studio Gear Up to study the societal impacts and the consequences of light duty fleet electrification on access to

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The role of biodiesel in EU climate action

For: EBB – European Biodiesel Board [April – October 2021] studio Gear Up was asked by the European Biodiesel Board (EBB) to provide good data about the biodiesel industry and its performance. EBB requires these insights for the development of a roadmap for its Members and also when discussing with

The role of biodiesel in EU climate action Read More

Factor renewable fuels in maritime sector

June 2021, Dutch Ministry Infrastructure and Water management wished to better understand what the effects would be of allowing only advanced biofuels to be registered for bunkers to maritime transport, and whether additional factors are needed to maintain the balance between bookings in road transport and the seagoing shipping sector.

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Research on the deployment of food and feed crop based biofuels in the Netherlands

For: Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Department Sustainable Mobility (Min IenW/DuMo) [July – August 2021] During the debates in Parliament of the required changes to the Wet Milieubeheer (Law Environmental Management) to implement the Renewable Energy Directive one member of Parliament submitted a motion in which the phase

Research on the deployment of food and feed crop based biofuels in the Netherlands Read More

sGU-Rapport ‘Inzet van biobrandstoffen uit voedsel- en voedergewassen’

Een onderzoek van studio Gear Up in opdracht van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat n.a.v. de aangehouden Motie (35626-21) van Kamerlid De Hoop over een afbouwpad van biobrandstoffen uit voedsel- en voedergewassen. Het rapport is hier te downloaden. In de Kamerbrief van Staatssecretaris Van Weyenberg van 8 oktober waarin

sGU-Rapport ‘Inzet van biobrandstoffen uit voedsel- en voedergewassen’ Read More

Achieving a climate negative Netherlands in 2030

Dutch national newspaper De Volkskrant investigates how six extreme Missions for the Netherlands can be realized before 2030. This can be considered as a comment to the European Commission’s “Fit for 55” package to achieve 55% less climate impact in 2030 (published mid July). The ‘Missions’ the newspaper explore go

Achieving a climate negative Netherlands in 2030 Read More

Greenhouse gas savings from biofuels in Germany

For: VDB – Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V. [March – April 2021] The most complex topic related to the sustainability of biofuels is Indirect Land Use Change, or ILUC. This is, simply said, the rippling effect that an increasing demand for biofuels feedstock can have in global agriculture, and which could lead to land

Greenhouse gas savings from biofuels in Germany Read More

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