Overview of renewable fuels in Dutch transport

For: Scania Netherlands B.V.

[October 2024]

For its reporting on the Science Based targets, Scania needs to understand the deployment of renewable fuels in transport in several counties, among which The Netherlands.

We have been asked to provide information about the volumes of renewable fuels deployed in 2023 in The Netherlands, hand what the climate mitigation characteristics of renewable fuels in The Netherlands are. As heavy duty trucks also operate on battery electric vehicles it is also important to know the Greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of electricity produced in The Netherlands.


Database Green Production Facilities

The studio Gear Up Green Production Facilities provides an overview of global production facilities for renewable fuels and energy carriers. The database aggregates data from multiple sources and can provide customer-specific overview and visuals of

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Carbon Footprint Analysis and Tool Development

Renewable fuels and materials do have a lower well-to-wheel/Wake/Wing / well-to-product carbon footprint. We can provide clear insight in the exact greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings per functional unit compared to the fossil references by

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